I made a 6470Hz grabber with a GPS reference. QTH at SQ5BPF Warsaw/Poland KO02md.
92.6uHz bins, 1 hour steps.
Direct link:
Klub Niezwykłych Łączności
I made a 6470Hz grabber with a GPS reference. QTH at SQ5BPF Warsaw/Poland KO02md.
92.6uHz bins, 1 hour steps.
Direct link:
In the morning around 08:00 UTC the following transmissions can be received:
Continue reading “VLF transmissions at 22.5kHz 22.9kHz and 23kHz”
I made a 8270Hz grabber with a GPS reference. QTH at SQ5BPF Warsaw/Poland KO02md.
92.6uHz bins, 1 hour steps.
Direct link:
Sometimes an “4m antenna equivalent” can be bought on various auction sites (the labels are in one of the Warsaw-Pact members’ languages, often russian):
On 3 June 2017 Stefan DK7FC did an 7 hour ebnaut transmission on 6470Hz with 7 characters. Previously i’ve been able to receive 2-3 character massages sent in a similar amount of time, however 7 characters seemed to be unreceivable. This article shows how the message was decoded, and may be useful to people starting to use linux and/or vlfrx-tools.
Continue reading “Decoding a 7-character ebnaut message on 6470Hz”
The Russian ZEVS station is probably transmitting on 82Hz. More information about the station here:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ZEVS_%28transmitter%29 Continue reading “ZEVS on 82Hz or strange carriers on ELF”
Paul Nicholson has published a list of VLF (and some LF/MF) milestones:
It’s interesting to see the pace of advancements in this field. In 2010 receiving a carrier (with lots of power and a huge antenna) 900km away was a big achievement. In 2017 sending a short message using a much smaller antenna is normal.
In 22 and 23 april 2017 Stefan DK7FC did additional test ebnaut transmissions on 6470Hz. Similar to the previous tests, the transmission was decoded as usual by Paul Nicholson (850km) and also by Jacek SQ5BPF (900km). Continue reading “Next tests in the 6470Hz band”
Stefan DK7FC has been recently transmitting on 6470Hz (46km wavelength) from a stationary antenna between two buildings.
The Ebnaut transmissions were received by Paul Nicholson (England) and Jacek SQ5BPF (Poland) at a distance of 900km (IN49IK to KO02MD).
Continue reading “6470Hz transmission by DK7FC succesfuly received at SQ5BPF (900km distance)”
USA hams just got the 137kHz and 472kHz bands.
Spring has started, which is bad for LF/MF, but we hope that the first Poland – USA contact will be in 2017.