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Subject: Re: LF: RADCOM
From: "Jean-L. RAULT" <>
Date: Sun, 28 Oct 2007 09:13:21 +0100
In-reply-to: <>
Organization: F6AGR
References: <> <> <>
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20070809)
Johan H. Bodin a écrit :
The swedish ham magazine QTC seems to be following the same trend. Technical articles are beeing replaced by mega-multi-button advertisments and quantity seems to go before quality... Some ad's disguised as "reviews"

Hi all

As a member of the team checking the quality of any article submitted to our french Radio-REF journal before publishing, may I tell you that the situation is the same in France ? Our team is trying to avoid any publication of mega-multi-button advertisments disguised as "review", but it happens that such bullshit is published from time to time, because the Editor has to (for financial reasons, or only to have something to publish, or both ?) The real issue is that we, as a national ham association, don't receive any serious technical stuff anymore. The remaining very rare really technical articles are published nowadays in commercial revues (where the authors are paid for that, which is not the case for our non benefit journal), or in "high tech" journals such as QEX, VHF Comms, DUBUS, etc
Volonteers belong more and more to endangered species ...

Jean-Louis F6AGR
REF-Union member for more than  40 years
Grandson of REF-416 (He joined REF in 1925)

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