ULF 2970.1 reception record

Stefan DK7FC transmitted at 6 aptil 2019 20:25 UTC at 2970.1Hz. The TX power was 487W into a 1130m ground dipole antenna. The ebnaut transmission parameters were:

f = 2970.1 Hz
Start time: 06.APR.2019 20:25:00.3 UTC
Symbol period: 6 s
Characters: 7
CRC bits: 16
Coding 16K21A
Antenna current: 2.4 A
Duration: 02:04:48 [hh:mm:ss]

The signal was received by Jacek / SQ5BPF in Warsaw/ Poland KO02md, at a distance of 976km!

After the filtering and noise blanking was optimised, the signal could be decoded:

sq5bpf@jitter:/stuff2/sq5bpf/vlf_stefan2$ vtcat -p < stefan_2970_1 | vtfilter -a th=4 -h bp,f=2970,w=2200 > ../vlf_stefan2/pliktmp6

sq5bpf@jitter:/stuff2/sq5bpf/vlf_stefan2$ vtblank -v -d0.0007 -a20 -t 50 < pliktmp6 | vtmult -f 2970.1 | vtresample -r 240 | vtresample -r 10 |vtraw -oa | ebnaut -dp16K21A -r10 -c2 -v -k16 -S6 -N7 -PS -L 50000

vtblank: selected channel: 1 = -:1
vtblank: channels: 1, sample_rate: 48000
vtblank: hfactor: 0.000e+00
vtblank: afactor: 20.000
initial reference phase -89.4 amplitude 7.496e-04
phase 0 0 0 0 0
vtblank: end of input
vtblank: dropsum 0 64750004, nfp 359999999
vtblank: dropfactor 0 1.799e-01
found rank 14143 ber 4.2548e-01 Eb/N0 -2.5 M -2.143712342e-02 ph 0 0,0,0,0 [DK7FC/P]
carrier phase: -10.6 deg
carrier Eb/N0: -0.4 dB
carrier Es/N0: -15.33 dB
carrier S/N: 15.63 dB in 133.5 uHz, -23.11 dB in 1Hz, -57.09 dB in 2.5kHz
elapsed 92

The message was: DK7FC/P

Link to Stefan’s email:



6470Hz transmission by DK7FC succesfuly received at SQ5BPF (900km distance)

Stefan DK7FC has been recently transmitting on 6470Hz (46km wavelength) from a stationary antenna between two buildings.

The Ebnaut transmissions were received by Paul Nicholson (England) and Jacek SQ5BPF (Poland) at a distance of 900km (IN49IK to KO02MD).

Continue reading “6470Hz transmission by DK7FC succesfuly received at SQ5BPF (900km distance)”