From Dave G3YMC Steve Olney wrote: C'mon Steve, lighten up. If your local world is giving you a hard time there is no need to clobber all and sundry. Better still, migrate to Australia as MAL suggest
From Dave G3YMC I would tend to agree with most of the points Steve made in his email. There is a desperate need for more normal CW QSOs on the band if we are to encourage new operators on the band -
In my student days, the uni radio club (G3KMI) kept its accounts in complex notation. The Real accounts that the Students union saw and based their grants to us on, and the Imaginary money we got fro
From Dave G3YMC Best wishes to Derek G3GRO for a speedy recovery. Perhaps the copper foil lining the huts at Puckeridge and elsewhere has nothing to do with improving the performance in transmit mode
From Dave G3YMC Good luck to all participating in the transatlantic tests this weekend. I expect to be listening for any possible normal CW copy around 0600-0700 each day, and will try and get the ta
From Dave G3YMC Sorry to hear you have been in the wars, hope things are soon back to normal It ain't broke so leave the dam'thing alone. I assume you mean the reflector and not your 'wing'... Yes pe
From Dave G3YMC I have deliberately taken a back seat in recent days. It would be unfair of me to comment adversely on the recent transatlantic communications as I have not been part of them, but it
For a 'hypeless' discussion of the Anna virus mentioned on here yesterday see: (Woody's Office Watch 6.08) Cheers Dave G3YMC dsergeant@btint
From Dave G3YMC There certainly would seem to be something wrong in the receive set up if you cannot hear (or see) Loran. Certainly Steve GW4ALG in Chepstow receives it 'well' (ie strong enough to be
From Dave G3YMC Stewart Bryant wrote: Why do the manufacturers still bother with S units. Why don't receivers just measure dBuV or dBm at the antenna? This may be fine for technical specs etc but mos
From Dave G3YMC That is sad, yet another victim of the crisis. There is unlikely to be HF or VHF field days this year. Mr Blair, the countryside is not open! Let us hope possibly another venue can be
From Dave G3YMC Actually, key clicks are never likely to be a huge issue on LF; when compared to HF standards, even a full 1W ERP is a sub-QRP signal, and the higher noise level will tend to swamp cl
From Dave G3YMC While the rest of you were playing with exotic modes on Monday evening I was listening to Christer SM6PXJ in QSO with Ron G6RO - around 2030-2100z if I remember right. Not only was it
From Dave G3YMC James Moritz wrote: The most important thing seems to be which frequency to use; from this end, the obvious choice seems to be either in the 135.9 - 136.0kHz, or 137.4 - 137.6kHz rang
From Dave G3YMC 3)Occupy a bandwidth of less than 10Hz - this is neccesary because of the very limited spectrum available, and the fact that several stations will be operating simultaneously. Althoug
From Dave G3YMC This probably shows the problems of preamps which are broadband with no selectivity other than that of the loop itself. My transverter does have a preamp in it, but it is preceded and
From Dave G3YMC Steve Rawlings wrote: I will not be setting up a live demonstration station on this initial visit to their club. Instead, I will take along lots of gear, plus an audio tape of some of
From Dave G3YMC I first worked Bernard on 24th February, he had been on a week or two before then. He is fairly active during the daytime in the week Cheers Dave [email protected] dsergeant@ie
From Dave G3YMC I am always a bit puzzled at how low pass filters work with a real antenna load, which is only 50ohms or anything near it at the resonant frequency of the antenna. At other frequencie
From Dave G3YMC I shall not be having an on air station, as past experience in setting up a station and antennas at our club premises has been most disappointing. I am demonstrating with the help of