On 12/23/2017 04:54 PM, Steve wrote:
It will run perfectly stable into the 50 ohm dummy load at 25 watts
output. Into the antenna it will do no better than 17 watts, usually less
before something goes wrong.
This looks suspiciously like there is still some reactance in the antenna
system Paul. If it's anything these amplifier types can't tolerate it is
reactance in the output.
It does seem that way Steve. Unfortunately if that is the problem
one or both of the following must then be true:
1) My scopematch is not working correctly
2) My eyesight is not good enough to distinguish the error on the scope
The two sine waves looked perfectly aligned to me earlier but the
amp was not happy at all. I will admit the resistance was a bit low,
probably around 46 or 47 ohms at the time. However the next
available transformer tap was probably too far the other way.
For anyone trying to follow along, this is my current version: