The UK Navtex transmitters were until at least relatively recently still
maintained by British Telecomm. However, Portpatrick for one has had new
transmitters installed so I'm not sure who is looking after what these
days. The best option is to contact one of the local Ofcom offices. I'm
not sure which one covers the North East but they have offices at
Haydock and Glasgow plus others. They're not likely to be too bothered
about interference to amateur radio operations but if it's made clear
that there is likely to interference to other marine services - e.g.
Navtex on 490 kHz - or perhaps broadcasting, they'll no doubt spring
into action.
Chris Trayner wrote:
Perhaps you can contact with the MCA ( Maritime and Coastguard Agency);
And/or Ofcom (the UK licencing agency)?
Might be worth attaching one of the spectra that have been circulated on this list, plus some of the other supporting details.
Chris G4OKW
Dr Chris Trayner
School of Electronic & Electrical Engineering,
The University of Leeds,
Leeds LS2 9JT, United Kingdom
Tel: +44 113 34 32053
Fax: +44 113 34 32032