On Mon, 15 Oct 2007 17:48:21 -0000
"hamilton mal" <g3kev.ham@virgin.net> wrote:
> If u are restricted to BEACON MODE end of story.
> Some UK stations inflict themselves with BEACON MODE when they are
> permitted to have two way communications.This does not make sense.
> We need two way communications for real time assessment of
> propagation and not ONE WAY.
> Some argue that they get reports from all around the world while in
> BEACON mode but forget to mention that they would get the same
> reports if they were in QSO.I often get reports from near and far
> while in QSO mode. I would suggest a licence for BEACONS only in a
> selected part of the 500 khz band, like the German system and another
> for real communications by real radio amateurs preferably using the
> traditional marine method of CW. G3KEV
Sorry Mal, but I don't understand.
How can one get a signal report, in a 2-way QSO on 500kHz, from OH, DL,
F, EA, LA and various non-NoV G stations? They can't operate on 500kHz.
Cross-band QSOs are no good - after all that would still be only ONE WAY
on 500 so a reception report of hearing a beacon is just as valid as a
cross-band QSO.
If I'm in a position to operate I will call CQ and listen for other
CQs. I've lost count of the CQs I've answered without being heard.
There are a lot of people out there that stuggle to receinve weak
signals due to their local noise floors.
I answer every station I hear, until I become convinced that they can't
hear me, for whatever reason and then give up, making a mental note to
try again if they are ever heard again at a better strength.
But if I can't be at the key then I see no harm in radiating a signal
for others to use. I presume that when you're not sending CQ on 502.5
that you are on other bands, persuing other interests? Leaving dead
stony silence on 500.
I'd rather give something back for others so I sometimes send a beacon,
but more usually I make available my receiving setup for others to use,
via my grabber.
I also have live streaming audio from my receiver available via the
internet, but I'm not revealing here how to receive it! Anyone who
wants to know can contact me directly.
These things are done as a service to others in the 500kHz community.
Better to be doing something useful while waiting for CW QSOs or
building gear to improve ones own station, than to sit there bashing
out terse emails deriding "appliance operators" and the inadequate
CW skills of the active NoV holders.
As I said previously "I have had over 50 QSOs,with at least 9 stations,
all in CW and all hand sent". I have never tried to work RTTY or PSK (I
tried to receive some as a help to someone else).
Am I unique in that my NoV actually states "A1A, CW" as the ONLY
permitted mode?
I don't restrict myself to BEACON MODE. However - how am I going to
know if a fleeting opening to W or VE occurs at 3am without some form
of pre-arranged overnight beacon. I can't sit bashing away at the key
overnight, I have a full time job to hold down.
I never even call CQ with any form of memory keyer - all my CW is live,
hand sent morse.
Please stop this "BEACONS BAD - CW GOOD" nonesense. Anything that helps
anyone get something new and educational from access to this part of
the spectrum should be applauded.
I have absolutely no interst in working the "flavour of the month
DXpedition" on HF, nor of gaining DXCC/WAS/WAC or any other "stamp
collecting" award.
I'm interested in building/improving my station in order to have REAL
CW QSOs. I have had many long chats, oftern of well over an hour long,
in CW on 500, despite shocking conditions and the ridiculous power
restrictions, during which I've done some real and interesting tests -
eg reducing TX power to 50mW - no rubber stamp "599 pse agn ur name
qth" QSO here.
Clousta, Shetland