Alan and All, Alan, you were concerned about the transformer that was added between the coax and the loading coil at the base of the 137 kHz. antenna. Here follow-up to your question. If you remember
All, I returned from Edmonton so the VY1JA beacon has gone back on the air at 08:38 UTC Thursday morning. Please watch 137574 +/- The beacon sends my entire callsign repeating on QRSS60. J.
No, Dave, I was told long ago by Steve, to short the coax at the bottom end and feed both sides off the top of the variometer. When I did that my reception really improved. That has never changed sin
Alan, and All, A divide by 100 is used fed from the transceiver output at its lowest setting and connected to a small dummy load. The division makes the TS450 solid as a rock at 137 kHz. with essenti
Jim Steve pointed that out and asked me to check the coil temperature and I was to do it last night and forgot. I will put the carrier on and leave it then drop the carrier and check for heat immedia
Alan, The dead meter was a thermal meter and it was in a separate metal case. I will remove it and check it out. Gary, The second sound card is a possibility I had not thought about. It will be exami
Steve, Scott, Jim, Dave, and All, Thank you very much for your help. The antenna is tuned and now the traces look like the ones on the dummyload. It ended up with very little inductance, per suggesti
Scott, I got so excited about finally getting this antenna tuned that I fumbled with a live wire and blew out an internal fuse in the power supply for the VFO. I have to take things apart, change the
Mike, I would try a wet tile saw, the kind you use to cut floor tiles for the wife...LOL!!! The wet saw is an excellent idea, but I would actually have to borrow Ann's saw. She did all the ceramics a
All, Tests here show the UP an DN pins on the TS450 front Microphone connector do move the frequency up and down when in transmit on CW. The QRS software shift signal from the computer is intended to
Steve, Thanks for the link Steve, but the manual on that site is an instruction manual which I already have and which does not show how to lower the shift frequency. It contains the schematic which,
Steve and Friends, VY1JA 137778.4 QRSS10. I will be "checking in", or listening for Scott to call, every hour on the hour starting at midnight. I hope to nap as the station beacons and wake on the ho
Friends, Thanks to everyone for your continued support and feedback. There were no skeds requested for this week so VY1JA is on ~137778.45 QRSS60 24/7. Captures, .WAV files, propagation info and comm
Friends, Thank you for the suggestions. Please remember that my hobby time is very limited because the cold comes too fast in Yukon, and I must do extensive work on a house we are improving to become
The tower is grounded at its base at this time, but is up on insulators and can be ungrounded easily by disconnecting a 1/0 grounding conductor. The vertical portion of the antenna is a piece of coax
Alan, Steve and All, Thanks for the feedback. The antenna is basically an inverted-L antenna. Using approximate dimensions, the vertical portion is a 110 foot tower, but the attachment point for the