EbNaut LF,
Thanks to all for the reports on the EbNaut Beacons from VO1NA and K3RWR over
this last weekend! Well done and the reports confirm a strong and viable path
exists across the Atlantic from the US Mid-Atlantic region and an even better
path from Newfoundland :-).
It’s time here to make the transition to Linux and consider setting up an
autodecoder at K3RWR.
Thanks again to all es 73,
Rob - K3RWR
> On Dec 10, 2018, at 12:10, DK7FC <[email protected]> wrote:
> Hi Joe, Rob, LF,
> Some late reports from here, attached.
> Unfortunately i do not yet have an autodecoder. My LF-RX-PC is just to busy
> with all the SL and WSPR and OPDS32 instances... I would need a better PC or
> export the txt files to the server and then do the job on another PC. This
> may be a project for the future...
> Markus, what about an autodecoder at DL0AO for 8270.1 Hz? :-)
> 73, Stefan
> PS: I tried to decode the message of IK1HGI but obviously it was an
> unmodulated carrier so there seems to be a problem with the keying.
> <VO1NA.png>
> <K3RWR.png>