Hello Luis!
When you said receiving at 475.700, I assume you tune Red Pitaya in the
center of the MF WSPR band with 200Hz bandwidth
So you can efectively monitor signals from 475.600 to 475.800, correct ?
Yes, that is right.
May be you can decode an even closer Tx station as soon as winter happen
in south hemisphere. Oscar, LU1DOW is building a 500W PA
for MF and LF. He is located in Buenos Aires, and that means about 5000
Km to Newmayer III trought sea path. Last report from Oscar
said that he is getting problems with variometer and will have to fix it
That sounds quite interesting, especially as we're approaching winter in the
Southern hemisphere.
I think the most important is to keep the Rx running at Newmayer III
routinely, so to test different conditions in different seasons
I will keep the window in the morning open for the time being. I'll have to
discuss a long-term schedule with the rest of the operating team. I am really
only a technician for the system, the experiment is being conducted by the
Technical University of Munich.
May be somebody even suggested you to monitor VLF ?
Yes, we are all thinking about the same guy ;-)
I believe I know who you are taling about :-) But we really should see some
results on LF first before we try anything else.
Best regards,