In this case . JA is real , but only
1 station detect the signal , but
as only 1 report , tagged ''??''
is the disputed time . the 4 mins
is not a timed event , its determined
by varying factors ,
in this case two
spots at 0034 would indicate a
genuine spot , last night some showed 5
mins lag
-19 OPERA 0.136 08/01/2015 00:32 United States
1420677133 WD2XNS FN31LS W3NF FM19MH RX Op32 291
-33 OPERA 0.136 08/01/2015
00:32 United States 1420677133 WD2XNS FN31LS WD4KPD FM15MM RX Op32 291
OPERA 0.136 08/01/2015 00:32 United States 1420677133 WD2XNS FN31LS K3SIW-1
EN52TA RX Op32 291
-42 OPERA 0.136 08/01/2015 00:34 United States 1420677244
-42 OPERA 0.136 08/01/2015 00:34 United States
1420677246 WD2XNS FN31LS 2E0ILY IO82QV RX Op32 291
In this case
, LA3EQ is spotted by 2 op decodes ,
with 5 min lag for DY, could be +/-
59 seconds inside the 1 min step as
well .. spot passed by quality check
19:39 136 LA3EQ de G3XDV Op32 Deep Search 515 mi -40
dB in Welwyn IO91VT with 0.01w + Marconi-T
19:34 136 LA3EQ
de DL-SWL Op32 437 mi -28 dB F:6% in nr Wolfsburg with 0.01w +
19:34 136 LA3EQ de DF1VB Op32 485 mi -34 dB F:3%
in Dortmund with 0.01w + Marconi-T
"Mike Dennison" <
[email protected]>
Sent: Friday, January 09,
2015 11:11 AM
To: <
[email protected]>
Subject: Re: LF:
New version OPERA >> ''Opera Dynamic'' <<
> Graham,
> The example you give below does not prove
your case. In fact it does
> the opposite. The last figure in the OPDS
readout, "15.4dB", shows
> that the decode is at the very edge of
deciding that it is true and
> must therefore be viewed with suspicion.
OP does not have that kind
> of figure. There is a lot of information in
both the OPDS and WSPR
> data that can flag up possible false decodes.
The beauty of Opera is
> that it is simple, but that is creating a
problem here.
>> I don't even have a
136 Tx and am regularly spotted on 136
>> 2015-01-01 19:01:38 G0NBD 2056km
137513.376Hz 3mHz -36.6dBOp 95%
>> 15.4dB
> The information below is even more worrying. Until now it seemed that
> every false decode was reported by only one station. Jay says he was
> not active but two stations concluded that what they saw was his
> transmission.
>> This looks convincing
to me, two at the same time into UK/SV
>> 00:34 136 WD2XNS de SV8CS Op32 Deep
Search 4722 mi -42 dB in
>> Zakynthos Island with 1w +
00:34 136 WD2XNS de 2E0ILY Op32 Deep
>> Search 3245
mi -42 dB in Shropshire IO82qv with 1w +
> This is definitely
still a work in progress.
> Mike, G3XDV