----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2013 10:15
Subject: Re: LF: Best results so far from
Germany to Tasmania
>There is one further factor and that is
signal leakage. If the geomag conditions are very quiet for extended periods
like during the >Solar min. signals seem to decrease, I have a
feeling that some of the longer lived ionisayion in the E-region may depend on
>the Ring Current charge. After a long quiet period the night-time E-layer
does not "reflect" quite so well. Conditions then improve >after a
small event, Kp=4, which would under normal conditions be insignificant, and
produces only small changes to the Dst.
Interesting explanation - always appreciate your
thoughts on the subject! Have certainly witnessed the 'quiet condition
signal drop off' for years on the T/A path.