WSPR reports amongst stns indicate reception
reports usually minus dB. Most of these stations are usually PLUS dB with me or
very close to that figure.
So what does that prove. I would say it depends on
the RX antenna and not necessarily propagation. A large antenna yields better
results than a small loop or active whip.
When I switch from my 1/4 wave inv L for 500 khz to
a smaller 40 m resonated loop for 500 the signals then do go down to a minus db
So what is all this all ABOUT ?
There is also the TX pwr to consider. Two
transmitters from the same location one using QRO and the other QRP will be
received at different levels at a specified RX location. There is a lot of
misrepresentation and misleading information by
WSPR operator
A trace of the signal is visible
long before a decode takes place, therefore why not use QRS in the first