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Re: LF: Re: RE: Re: RE: QRS 240

Subject: Re: LF: Re: RE: Re: RE: QRS 240
From: Rik Strobbe <>
Date: Sun, 04 Jan 2009 20:53:45 +0100
In-reply-to: <>
References: <>
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Hello all,

I guess it all comes down to "live and let live".
While any kind of experimentation should be encouraged, one should also think about the impact it could have on other band users.
But the same is valid for all other activity in our small 3kHz band.
High power QRSS transmissions (aka lazy man's CW) in the middle of the band are also annoying for others, couldn't this be done near one of the band edges (as on 137kHz).
73, Rik  ON7YD - OR7T


 Hi All,
I think Mal was very nearly there with a solution to thse problems(?) in suggesting operation after midnight (or similar). There might be merit in accepting that all of the experimental modes AND the established modes are valid for the purposes of "experimentation". Acceptance of this together with a voluntary "bandplan" that was as much TIME based as mode/frequency based could be a sensible way forward. "TIME" slots could rotate to allow people to "experiment" at different periods of the 24 hour cycle with certain periods set aside as "free-for-all". One would, therefore, also be allowing for experimentation under current conditions for those wishing to determine the QRM-busting (or otherwise) qualities of the various modes. A "Battle-Royal" is not the most adult way to start off a new year and neither is it a scientific method that would impress Ofcom or any other body of professionals.
My "threepennerth" for what it's worth (hopefully more than 3 pence   
worth despite our blighted currency hi hi)
73 de Pat G4GVW

-----Original Message-----
From: M0FMT <>
Sent: Sun, 4 Jan 2009 16:44
Subject: Re: LF: Re: RE: Re: RE: QRS 240

Here Here Mal


I wonder how many of these "Hi Tech" mode stations live within line of sight of another station then I think this BW hungry spread spectrum stuff would be a nightmare to that local station? Especially running as an inane beacon which undoubtedly will f


I have two 600m stations with in 8miles line of sight and another 13miles over open country from me their CW is phenominally strong, a signal like Olivia 8/250 would obliorate the band for me. And for what?

I asked for Morse on/off keying and very narrow FSK in my NoV application. Did I miss something, like asking to use DSB? Its a 3 kc/s alloction for CS!


Mal you've got my vote and probably the Vote of the silent majority on the Band.


End of RANT!!


73es HNY to all LF petefmt

--- On Sun, 4/1/09, mal hamilton <> wrote:

From: mal hamilton <>
Subject: LF: Re: RE: Re: RE: QRS 240
Date: Sunday, 4 January, 2009, 10:10 AM

No change Gary, in fact I sent an amateur 2 valve bases a while back to get him going on 137 khz.

If you read my emails carefully all  that I am saying is that to date all modes considered there has has been no improvement over normal CW or QRS and very economical with bandwidth and signal transfer between stations.


I have no objection to any mode being used as long as it does not swamp the band to the detriment of other band users. This past couple of nights one third of the available band of 3 khz has been occupied by olivia plus other data modes. ie 3 transmissions running parallel, this I do object to especially when I was having a QSO with G3XIZ and almost swamped o ut, however I do have good selectivity and did manage but I think XIZ and his experimental DC receiver was having a hard time. A data transmission or any other mode using around 200 hz bandwidth would be acceptable most of the time.

To be reasonable I have one suggestion. If someone is compelled to use a 1 khz wide mode then do it after say midnight for a few hours.

This reflecter has a big audicence and I get a considerable amounnt of private emails agreeing with observations that I am making, I also get a few that disagree.


As regards helping others this is going on all the time, and I frequently reply to requests for advice with all  aspects of LF and MF projects.

I also get help, recently as a  result of a discussion about preamps two other amateurs reading the mail sent me the required chips at no cost and likewise I do the same thing.


Most radio amateurs on here do discuss or argue their point in a civilised manner but you must have noticed how HOSTILE or ABUSIVE some get when their opinin differs from others. They lose ther plot go off at a tangent and start  attacking the individual putting forward a point of view.


I am not against black boxes for certain applications and have used them in the past ie PK232 and KAM., computer systems sound cards with the appropriate software. I have a NOV for BBS operations GB7KEV and shifted the east coast main line mail for several years int o Scotland and beyond using a V/UHF node network and gateway also on HF for worldwide mail exchanges. Main modes PACKET on V/UHF and Amtor/pactor on HF.

This business has almost gone now with the advent of Internet access for mail and traffic exchanges. The black box is ideal for the mass transfer of messages which would be a chore on CW.

I hope you now understand my point of view.

73 gl and HNY de Mal/G3KEV



----- Original Message -----

From: Gary - G4WGT


Sent: Saturday, January 03, 2009 9:03 PM

Subject: LF: RE: Re: RE: QRS 240



I admit, not nearly as many as you.


But why do you keep criticising what others do. It is as if they don’t do it your way it isn’t correct.


I would be much nicer to advise & help others, don’t you think?


I remember when I first came on 136KHz you did help me & it was good advice, I appreciated it, but your attitude seems to have changed, why?


Gary – G4WGT.


From: owner- [mailto:owner- ] On Behalf Of mal hamilton
Sent: 03 January 2009 20:48
Subject: LF: Re: RE: QRS 240


29 countries worked on 137 all on cw. What is your score.



----- Original=2
0Message -----

From: Gary - G4WGT


Sent: Saturday, January 03, 2009 8:28 PM

Subject: LF: RE: QRS 240




Oh my god, he’s doing it on 136KHz now !!!


Gary - G4WGT.


From: [mailto:owner- ] On Behalf Of mal hamilton
Sent: 03 January 2009 20:22
To: rsgb
Subject: LF: QRS 240


Its hard to believe that someone on 137 is sending at qrs240 sec dot !!!.Think how long this would take for a QSO, surprisingly there is no QSB on rhe carrier. I cannot wait for an ID. I could read it at qrs 1



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