Hello Dave,
Excellent performance is provided by the AR7030.
However its user interface does not please averyone, to say the least.
The Icom R75 is the most popular receiver amongst NDB chasers.
Almost the same performance is availble with the IC718.
This is no coincidence as it is an offspring of a commercial transceiver
(IC78) aimed at the marine market. (Ask Finbar, EI0CF, he owns one).
JRC receivers are also good performers at LF; e.g. the NRD535.
I own a NRD-91 which tunes down to 10 kHz and is very sensitive.
The W&G SPM-30 SLM is also nice when you like the narrow 24 Hz filter.
Some people are experimenting with a modified SoftRock design SDR and are
achieving amazing results.
I hope this helps.
Best regards,
Roelof Bakker, pa0rdt
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