Dear Group
My primary concern lies in the popularization of such communications and the
possible backlash we could get from the authorities if these QSOs start to
make their life difficult as it starts pushing the bounds of THEIR intent
for granting experimental permits.
I think the Canadian matter could be simply clarified by interested stations
contacting James Dean at RAC and requesting the 'grace and favour' of the
minister to conduct such an experiment. However, IC has been granting
experimental authorization to those proposing propagation experiments and
may not be interested in possibly upsetting the FCC's sensibilities about
creating a defacto ham band on 2200m yet and creating a precedent for other
services wishing to intercommunicate with the amateur service.
From what I understand from some communication I have received 2200m will
likely become a Canadian amatuer band at WAC-2007. Their seems to be a
rising amount of backroom consenuous on the idea and this is a wonderful
thing considering that we share the band with our defense department. See
the communication below for some further insight into the 2200m situation in
Our behaviour now may have reprecussions in those "corridor negotiations at
Geneva." Considering the fragile state of global politics and the
sensibilities of some nations, any unilateral behavoiur on the part of a
couple of us may turn the favour away from our common intent of a world wide
2200m amatuer band.
Remember the primary purpose in THEIR eyes, for our experiments, is that we
must prove that we won't create problems either electromagneticly OR
Scott, VE7TIL
Quoting Ken VE3PU:
Hi Steve,
Congratulations !
Yes, I will certainly put that news item on the web site.
Things are looking good for a wprld wide 2200 Metre band.
Canada has once again decided to support us, and said so in a preliminary
released to the Americas at a meeting last week in Buenos Aires.
Europe is on Board too. Some Arab and Pacific countries will be opposed,
there is still time for lots of corridor negotiations at Geneva.
Any information you can dig up to show that you don't interfere with local
power utilities, or with the Naval transmissons to submarines would be of
help in our discussions.
73, Ken