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[LW] Alaska - no sigs yet

To: [email protected], [email protected]
Subject: [LW] Alaska - no sigs yet
From: "Laurence KL1X" <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 26 Dec 2004 19:15:26 -0900
Reply-to: [email protected]
Sender: [email protected]
Day 1 - slung up a bigger loop with the main plane at 067 deg which is a compromise between Eu and our stateside friends. Temps were about -30C overnight but have risen today and now its calm snowing and -15c. Strong Katabatic winds made travelling interesting with tunnel like winds only about about 800m across but winds inside peaked 40 knots and temps some 25F warmer - its a strange world.

Overnight conditions to europe and long distance to the lower 48 States were "poor" as I can remember from past years ops here - I was also peeved at losing overnight data. This computer has a protected registry and locks the screen after 20 mins of no key action; I cant change it officially as it negates securitry policy but Ive loaded a spoof trick program called "mousemove" which moves the mouse after a predetermined time and keeps the screen alive and captures to the web operating. Conditions tonight (26/27th) to Eu are better and so far about 7 dB up on yesterday but Im missing long range Loran lines - The loop was compared against a 200 ft at 35ft loaded long wire and spotty earth and the loop won hands down. I guess the larger loop took about 20 minutes to get up and another 20 mins to tune using a baby alarm and switch mode psu noiz as a source.

Moose vistations last night didnt cause bedlam with the wires but I did see the chickadees trying the insulation for taste - no squirrels here.

Keeping fingers crossed that the Dst continues its downward motion - also qrv on HF if anyone wants a CW qso - Im on qrp. If conditions improve Ill look on lowfer too.

laurence KL1X bp51fp wasilla Alaska (in the mountains)

ps Live data on argo 1 and 3 on
XDW continues on air from Oklahoma - dont know why the web cam is producing VK7 type signals.

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