Dave Pick schrieb:
Uwe and Alan.
I don't know how often you get mail but I will transmit at 1500 for
30minutes (if my cheapo PSU will stand it!) and then listen.
I will get as close to 137.520 as I can, my old IC735 TX tunes in 10Hz steps
and is a little off frequency, so will be within 5Hz of 520.
If this proves successful I will transmit in the evening at 2000 for
30minutes or longer if required, same frequency.
Dave G3YXM.
Hi Dave,
ur signs somewhat stronger than the LORAN-C lines.
my rcv is calibr exactly on 137.520kHz, i.e. 137.520kHz = 800 Hz,
the centre of the Jason spec.
received the signs: SRH?? (AAGGGGKKKKKKKK
if that is not what u transmitted, I have to meassure ur QRG the next turn.
pse transmit the centre carrier for a while beforehand.
Alberto, I guess u can rcv Davids signs without problems.they are vy
strong in jo43sv.