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Re: LF: LF link page

To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: LF: LF link page
From: "Mike Dennison" <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 28 Jun 2001 13:32:33 +0100
In-reply-to: <[email protected]>
References: <[email protected]>
Reply-to: [email protected]
Sender: <[email protected]>
ON7YD wrote:
On most 136kHz websites there is a more or less extended link page. Anyone
who has his own website will have experienced that a link page needs a lot
of maintainance (changing URL's, new websites come, other go), so it occurs to
me that there is a lot of avoidable work done. What about the idea that one of
us puts a 'complete' link page on his website and the others just put a link to
that page ? All changes of URL, new sites etc.. would be needed to be done only
once. If the others would keep an eye on it (report broken links and new sites)
the amount of work for the 'sitekeeper' would be acceptable.

A good idea if:

(1) The person responsible is prepared to do a lot of work. there must be more than 150 links between all of our web sites - my site has over 70.

(2) There is a mirror site just in case the person responsible for the page stops updating it, or gives up the site.

(3) There are very few restrictions on what links are listed. If you look at LF sites, there are often links that are slightly off topic (for instance, I have a link to Tesla coil people).

Another possibility is a webring, linking LF sites. In this way each site owner is responsible for keeping his link up to date.

Mike, G3XDV (IO91VT)

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