Hello David, Sounds like you guys may have what we have here in the US, a station that is very powerful and comes on the air at no specific date or time. Our station NEED id's all the time but comes
Sure gonna be a lot easier on the electric bill running QRP power levels on 503kc. Most guys here in the US are running 35-50w on 505kc. That covers the whole US in regular CW and gets into Europe &
The 500kc band gets attenuated by the D layer when the sun comes up. CW by the ear signals here in the US only go 100-200 miles during daylight and that is with 35-50w output. Night time signals cove
Ahh, thank you for the translation. hi hi...Keep asking and tell them of the US, UK and other countries using the band. They may get tired of hearing you ask and tell you OK we will let you run a exp
What does it say in English? hi hi... Might have been better to ask for 505-510kc to stay away from that 495-505kc guard band. Mike WE0H From: Jean-Pierre Godet Dear friends, For your information, my
A pot. Hmmm wonder why Kenwood used such a simple component rather than the optical encoder scheme? Mike WE0H From: Stewart Bryant On the TS850 the RIT is a variable resistor not an encoder (It's VR6
The RIT on the TS-930 is just as rock solid as the VFO is. Not even a tiny bit of drift. It uses a optical encoder similar to the VFO's design. Mike WE0H From: Stewart Bryant MIKE REID wrote: Wolf, T
Hi Wolf, I run a TS-930. It has a 9.9kc RIT which seems quite a bit to me but covers our US band pretty well. Take out the MF attenuator if you have a schematic handy. Kenwood usually puts in 3 resis
Wolf, Try setting the rig to 499.99kc and use the RIT to go up into the 501kc band. No more attenuator!!! That?s what we do on 505-510kc here in the US. Mike WE0H WD2XSH/16 From: Wolf dl4yhf Hi Mal,
Hello J, I forwarded that reception to the 500kc server and the SHMRG server. Thank you for listening. That was Rudy N6LF in Oregon. You can read about our ARRL sponsored Part 5 group on http://www.5