I've rather (too) quickly put a few links on the RSGB Spectrum Forum website aimed at helping newcomers to 500kHz. These are people who have not perhaps had the full baptism with 136kHz, so may appre
Well done Dave to get your station operational so quickly. The results are very interesting at the power level that you were using. Sadly I was in a pub having a meal last evening, so missed the fun.
Mal, sorry I don't know what's been issued as my input is early in the process. 73 John, G3WKL --Original Message-- From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]
Re the previous e-mail, which I am not sure got reflected, the guidelines for SRP applicants can now be viewed at http://www.rsgb-spectrumforum.org.uk/ofcom_501kHz_%20srp.htm 73 John, G3WKL RSGB HF M
With several stations likely to be transmitting this weekend and as I will most likely be speaking with Ofcom on Monday re some of the applications under consideration, it would be helpful to the cau
In the discussion that I am currently having with Ofcom over the RFI assessment for 501-504kHz applications, the question has been raised as to whether interference has been noted with nearby neighbo
I've had one of the above field-strength meters for a while and could do with sight of an manual / circuit diagram. Done a search on the web, but with no luck. Can anyone offer any assitance with inf
Chris, your experiments of measuring ERP are interesting. How close is the result that you obtained with that derived from aerial modelling and aerial current measurement? To what extent do you think
Roger, thanks for your suggestions below. Very envious of your quiet location.... Unless anyone else has some different views, can I suggest that we call the matter closed, for now. The key issue is
Jim, thanks for clarifying - I thought that you were opting more for the existing ERP approach. I feel that we are more likely to get a better response asking for an increase in ERP as this is easier
Thanks Jim, I tend to agree with you, but I'm not quite sure whether you are supporting the 20W power to the aerial limit, with the additional ERP ceiling that Rik was proposing. Apologies for not un
Alan, thanks for your comments appreciating the work that has gone on these past years to get to this position. As I said in my reply to Laurence it's very much a team effort as you appreciate, with
Thanks Rik, that's an interesting thought to have a max ERP stipulated. It might make matters easier with Ofcom as they would be able to consider the worst case. 73 John, G3WKL
Thought that I had better respond to Laurie's e-mail, now a few days ago. This is because the matter of the power level is to an extent under review by Ofcom. If you recall we, RSGB, asked back in 20
Thanks Jean-Louis, but the critical issue is whether REF have managed to convince Agence National des Frequencies to support the BNetzA proposal at WRC07. 73 John, G3WKL REF-Union too, within IARU is
Dick, that sounds positive, but the critical thing with be whether your radio agency will state at the WRC preparatory meeting later this month in Amsterdam (I believe) any support for the BNetzA pro
Dick, sorry to hear that, but in a way it's understandable. Can I suggest that you contact Sioerd, PA0SHY, VERON HF Manager, and bring his attention to the posting by Ulrich, DK4VW, DARC HF Manager,