Hello Paul, Does your sferic blanker fill the gap with zeros, or with interpolated values, or does it eliminate the gap? Or other? I have been planning to make a Matlab impulse post-processor that fi
Paul, Excellent diagnostic method and implementation. Thanks also for applying the method to the ULF experiments, and to 3kHz propagation in general. I dont remember seeing a measurement of the type
Stefan and Paul, I've been unable to find any empirical validation of LWPC fidelity below 5kHz. Attached is a preliminary pass (E and B field amplitude vs frequency and distance) with FDTD, showing s
Stefan and Paul, The attached shows B-field FDTD results. Comparing with the E-field plot (previous message): the decorrelation of E and B in the region of interest (2kHz - 4kHz) is interesting. 73,
Stefan and Paul, Attached is a 2nd-pass FDTD plot (E-field only); theoretically more accurate with some small corrections and refinements. The attached plot and the two FDTD plots sent yesterday repr
A loose comparison of estimated DK7FC 2.97kHz signal strength in Cumiana (relative to a loosely validated 9kHz-4kHz LWPC reference points), to 4kHz-2.9kHz delta-B estimates from Pauls sferic spectrog
Stefan, Yes, good point, I'll replot with constant antenna current instead of constant ERP. 73, Jim Jim, i assume your plots refer to a constant ERP. Could you scale the plot to a constant antenna cu
Stefan and Paul, I think that a sferic spectrum of the sort that Paul made (including the well-considered details) is generally more accurate than an FDTD solution* for use in signal-strength predict
Congratulations and compliments Stefan, Paul and Renato, Markus and Wolf for enabling and providing what so far seems to be the only published experimental data for this poorly-understood part of the
Paul, I'm guessing that your 3 sigma to 4 sigma estimate is based on a comparison of the 2970Hz pixels' amplitudes to surrounding pixels' amplitudes during the time that Stefan was transmitting; is t
Paul, Thanks for posting your findings on this topic. Plenty of the Audio Injector boards on local Amazon so I bought four in hopes that your tests would prove favorable. Thanks for the favorable res
Geomagnetic K-index elevated March 21 through March 23, approximately 3 < Kp < 4 but higher in Europe with levels at Wingst and Niemegk varying by 50nT to 80nT at times during that period. Mentioning
Hello Stefan, I will save a copy of the http://www.webalice.it/rromero/live_cumiana/last-LFtest_2970.jpg trace, I think it is particularly valuable. The frequency spreading to which you called attent
Stefan, 73, Jim AA5BW Hi Jim, ULF, i wondered why the trace at IK1QFK in 5 wavelengths distance becaome so blurry in the recent days. See http://www.webalice.it/rromero/live_cumiana/last-LFtest_2970.
Paul, Does this meet the criterion that you were thinking of in your comments March 21st and March 22nd? 73, Jim AA5BW Stefan wrote (10th March): After coherently stacking 13:00 to 00:00 for 9 days i
Congratulations! Seems like more than a record. Seems historic. Hard to imagine a tougher frequency range than the neighborhood of 2970 Hz. 2970 Hz at 140 km, 303 km, 502 km and 881 km even defy mode