A loose comparison of estimated DK7FC 2.97kHz signal strength in Cumiana (relative to a loosely validated 9kHz-4kHz LWPC reference points), to 4kHz-2.9kHz delta-B estimates from Paul’s sferic spectrogram and the FDTD plot (see attached).
To the extent that LWPC is accurate at 9kHz/4kHz, the "measured" 4kHz-2.9kHz Δ B is between the Δ B estimates from (a) Paul's sferic spectrum and (b) the FDTD plot, for any estimate of Renato's noise floor between 2 fT/root-Hz and 12 fT/root-Hz. This would seem to support to some degree the likelihood that the signal could be from DK7FC, but the likely error in the LWPC estimate probably makes the confidence level of this type of comparison low; a follow-up based on comparison with results from other grabbers to follow.
Nice work as always Stefan, this is an exciting test to watch; in a ULF-VLF wilderness area…
Hi all,
I'm transmitting since 3.5 days on 2970 Hz. Yesterday, a weak peak appeared in Italy, on Renatos 5 uHz spectrogram. It was right on the frequency but not significant.
This morning, the next pixel appeared. It is still right on the frequency and even stronger! About 10 dB in 5 uHz: http://www.webalice.it/rromero/live_cumiana/last-LFtest_2970.jpg
It is now one of the strongest pixels in the spectrum as you can see. And the timing and frequency matches exactly. However i need to continue to transmit on 2970 Hz to make it a longer dash and give it a high enough significance.
The wx forecast looks teribble for my location http://www.wetteronline.de/wetter/heidelberg there will be a lot of rain today. Meanwhile i do risk to transmit in rain on 2970, the voltage is 17 kV. But on 8270 and 600 mA it is 25 kV. A too high risk.
So, i'm sorry, i can't transmit on 8270 Hz today. Hopefully Uwe can provide a decent signal for all the newcomers and backcomers. There will be a next opportunity for us.
73, Stefan