On Saturday, January 12, 2019 04:58:50 PM you wrote:
> Hi Roman,
> Unfortunately, because of the bad attitude of DF7FC, and some others
> regarding the illegal use of public infrastructures as makeshift TX
> antennas, it's best the operating details of the experimental 1.6 Hz kit
> are kept private, as this technology is to be used in other radio projects.
> Also, this tech must never be used on public utilities, and as DF7FC cannot
> be trusted, I have been advised to ensure it's with-held. Sorry to be such
> a bore, but when dealing with irresponsible (who should know better)
> licenced Radio Amateurs, this is the only course of action.
> This is not in any way personal, just a way of preventing the future and
> potentially dangerous abuse of public transport and power supply
> infrastructures. They are not intended as TX antennas, and that idea is
> best dismissed. The RSGB and Ofcom will expressly agree with not connecting
> a TX to any infrastructure.
> With very kind regards,
> David.

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