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LF: Re: LF: Methods to transmit DFCW

To:, N1BUG <>
Subject: LF: Re: LF: Methods to transmit DFCW
From: Alex K <>
Date: Wed, 14 Nov 2018 19:39:15 +0300
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In-reply-to: <>
References: <>
Hello Paul, LF!

Pay your attention to my DDS. This device is controlled via a COM-port (or USB-COM converter) from a computer under Windows. The control program allows you to transfer any of the modes: CW, QRSS, DFCW, HELL, OPERA, PSK, RTTY, WOLF, MFSK-37, WSPR (2 and 15), JT9, VOICE and EbNaut on VLF, LF and MF. Such DDS is used for several years by RN3AUS, R7NT, UW8SM, UT7GH...

More information on the site (Russian): 

Control programm (for Windows XP....10) 

... and the forum (Russian):,117.msg21047.html#msg21047,117.msg22416.html#msg22416 

73 de rn3aus/Alex

Среда, 14 ноября 2018, 14:50 +03:00 от N1BUG <>:

I am looking for a better method to transmit DFCW for 2200 meter
QSOs. For my QSO with 2E0ILY I used a QRP Labs U3S for the
transmitter. This worked very well for DFCW60 when I was
transmitting every other night. For any QSO attempts involving quick
change from RX to TX it would be difficult because of the time
required to program a new message!

One possibility would be to modify this method used by N1VF for JT9
QSOs with a U3S:

I am a little concerned about messing up my trusty U3S but I may try

It looks like the easy way is the old QRS software by ON7YD. This is
very interesting but I don't have a suitable transmitter. Are there
any published designs for DFCW transmitters which could be
controlled in this way? I wonder if parts would still be available?
I am guessing these used synthesizers which are not current
generation any more. :-)

Any other suggestions?

Paul N1BUG

Alex K
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