Confusion? Roelof could actually hear the signals. It seems to me
this is simply another case of CW getting through when other modes fail!
To be fair to Opera, some degree of operator competence is required.
Your's truly was sending op32 instead of op8 until the eu path closed.
Sorry for causing confusion and thank-you for the reports!
Will try again tonight.
73 Joe VO1NA
On Fri, 14 Apr 2017, Graham wrote:
Hi Roelof
Don't worry about confusion , )
if you find Joe's signal , post the results up, there was something
not quite right last night, only station to spot vo1na was KA1LM with
x 8 spots in -30 db , but the first was round 0600 gmt ....
Take a look at the number of MF and LF spots , listing your MINI-Whip
as the Ae )
From: "Roelof Bakker" <[email protected]>
Sent: Friday, April 14, 2017 10:46 AM
To: <[email protected]>
Subject: LF: Re: [rsgb_lf_group] VO1NA 477 OP8 :Start 2300 finish 0900 50
watts to monopole.
Hello all,
I have just installed Opera and are using it with a PERSEUS
recording from last night to see if I can decode VO1NA.
I am aware that this might cause confusion if the data is uploaded.
If this is the case, is there a way to disable upload, whilst still
have the results displayed locally?
Yes, I am a newbee!
Roelof, pa0rdt
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