Thank you Markus,
Your email lead me to my settings of VAC. The possible samplerate was
limited to 22050...48000 Hz. Now i changed to 8000...48000 Hz.
Does that make a change? Is someone still awake who is watching on that
QRG? Now decodes?
Let me add a significant number of dBs now.
73, Stefan/DK7FC
Am 29.10.2012 00:39, schrieb Markus Vester:
five watts to a good antenna has
been known to work wonders ;-)
Actually virtual audio cable could possibly be the
culprit. The newer version 4.xx can resample between different
samplerates (12000 from wsjtx to 48000 for Speclab?), and may apply
some smart interpolation which tries to keep the buffers at more or
less constant length. This could indeed create some nondeterministic
jitter, perturbing the MFSK demodulation. I have so far only used the
older VAC 3 here, but this only works with identical samplerate and
format at input and output.
Best 73,
Markus (DF6NM)
Sent: Monday, October 29, 2012 12:21 AM
Subject: Re: LF: no decodes, help needed
I am audible on LF with 5W TX power? That is 240 km (ish). Really?
73, Stefan
Am 28.10.2012 20:18, schrieb wolf_dl4yhf:
> Am 28.10.2012 20:08, schrieb Steinar Aanesland:
>> Wolf, The freq is still 136.000 + 1430Hz ?
> Yes, WSJT-X reports 1430 Hz with the HF radio tuned to 136.000 kHz
> USB.
> Transmitting every 2nd 2-minute interval.
> But I didn't get a decoded callsign for some time now. Sync points
> between 0 and 3.
> Signal still audible here in JO42 .
> 73, Wolf .
>> LA5VNA Steinar
>> loc:JO59jq
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