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Re: LF: no decodes, help needed

To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: LF: no decodes, help needed
From: Stefan Schäfer <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 28 Oct 2012 18:32:10 +0100
In-reply-to: <[email protected]>
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Now it's 5W TX power. I leave it running on that QRG for those who want to test...

Back in a few hours..

73, Stefan

Am 28.10.2012 18:25, schrieb Stefan Schäfer:
Could it be possible that the programm does not choose the center frequency that we actually have set? If we set 1430 Hz center by pointing on the waterfal display with the mouse, the marker follows to that point. But maybe the program does not!

Markus, -14 dB is rather realistic for my 100 Hz sidebands :-) This is not a choke! Maybe the program receives somewhere else.

When restating the program, the marker is back to 1000 Hz and must be set to the actual center frequency again. Maybe one has to do a restart after that ;-)

But for some other OMs like F6CNI it obviously works...

Maybe it has to do with the samplerate?

Andy/F6CNI, which samplerate do you choose and can you receive my signal as well? What is the decode level? I'm 10 dB below my normal strength in the moment. Your "dial" frequency is 136 kHz?

73, Stefan/DK7FC

Am 28.10.2012 18:11, schrieb Markus Vester:
Sporadic decodes on JT9-2:
1646 10 -14 0.4 1930.52 0.00 CQ DK7FC JN49

1648 1 -30 -0.1 1878.56 0.00

1650 10 -15 0.4 1930.67 0.00

1652 10 -21 0.4 1933.99 0.00 PA0A TEST

1654 10 -14 0.0 1931.14 0.00

1656 5 -25 0.4 1934.07 0.00 PA0A TEST

1658 10 -16 0.4 1930.57 0.00 CQ DK7FC JN49

1700 4 -26 0.4 1934.23 0.00

1702 10 -14 0.4 1930.83 0.00

1704 10 -22 0.4 1933.99 0.00 DK7FC PA0A JO33

1706 10 -16 0.4 1930.33 0.00

1708 10 -21 0.4 1933.99 0.00 DK7FC PA0A JO33


PA0A has been sending in every even 2-minute slot, and DK7FC in every odd one. DK7FC should be stronger than indicated, usually positive dB's in WSPR. Will save some wavs of missing decodes.
Best 73,
Markus (DF6NM)
Sent: Sunday, October 28, 2012 5:52 PM
Subject: Re: LF: no decodes, help needed

I'm receiving a strong JT9-1 signal on even minutes which must be from DK7FC, but like with PA0A I'm getting no decodes. Strange thing is that though the signal was clearly absent at odd minute slots, WSJT-X seemed to produce an echo. This appeared on the waterfall and sync aquisition, but of course won't decode either.
This effect seems to be peculiar to JT9-1, and does not happen at JT9-2, which appears to decode nicely:
1646 10 -14 0.4 1930.52 0.00 CQ DK7FC JN49
Best 73,
Markus (DF6NM)
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