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Re: LF: slow WSPR?

To: "" <>
Subject: Re: LF: slow WSPR?
From: Roger Lapthorn <>
Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2012 09:07:59 +0100
Dkim-signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20120113; h=subject:references:from:content-type:x-mailer:in-reply-to :message-id:date:to:content-transfer-encoding:mime-version; bh=hRX82imeXHaKT/+ZxBdmSWLRIXjsOCAE0bxM59z5n7I=; b=KzsVQAlOiK2jiyALyPOyJ/t8qQU4QAgiA61ypcbUedRPT9r81wMFh8+ZNB0rm6a9VQ nirtuFt5WpNBJfO+TVNXwtAuY08EdvcGp5EexiphoZs5VJiGWo17a071LW2j/3kr/6wu jPDIyQsY71veP16TQdjvsmb+UQctZdCFZqQ1wYzO9PeKRvQn9rrtUUD0/rSeafToE4Oi cH6YoglO9VWYCFsV1D0Us8ulnjVV8r7rnYrdzb54EsOzQsPb4+xZJ/5rmhr07vAkTNpB QZcw8pciAwmYoUbgkTcdk6O/HRTsPOf9U3vXz/A9hDVc0/Qd4cUm3lBlKHs10EfQ40qd eb5Q==
In-reply-to: <>
References: <> <> <001b01cd8f77$a9b4a1c0$0501a8c0@xphd97xgq27nyf> <C9ACD81E93F141A5BE9599F0CC2C512F@AGB> <>

Maybe it is worth approaching K1JT with a suggestion/request that a slower 
version of WSPR be created? 

It has been several years since WSPR was first released (2008) and there is a 
lot of sense in a version with even better S/N performance. WSPR still has 
better Internet database support than OPERA and is not "secret" in the way the 
latter is. 

Roger G3XBM

-- Via my 2.4GHz transceiver --

On 11 Sep 2012, at 00:09, Stefan Schäfer 
<> wrote:

> It's a pity that there is no slow-WSPR, e.g. needing 32 minutes or so. If 
> WSPR (2 minutes FSK) is about as efficient as OP8 ( i heared so), then it 
> should be a real alternative to the slow DX modes on LF but not on MF!
> There is a software that plays recorded audio files in a faster mode, so that 
> QRSS becomes audible. VE2IQ has reported to me last year about it but i don't 
> remember the name.
> Would it be possible to make our own slow WSPR by using that software and 
> playing a 32 minute manipulated WSPR at 16x speed, feeding it to the normal 
> WSPR rx software? The slower code could be generated outside the program. 
> Would that be a useful test or do i miss something?
> 73, Stefan/DK7FC
> Am 10.09.2012 19:26, schrieb Graham:
>> May be  Mal
>> But  once again  Jim has  the  answer to this  problem ..if  you  can find 
>> his  articles  after  Google  trashed the  uk500khz  news group ,
>> I think Jose R  predicts a  6  dB gain  by  changing  to  PSK  from the 
>> Opera  on/off  keying  but  that  would  prevent  most  of the  LH/MF usage
>> G..

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