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Re: LF: Grabber grabber?

To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: LF: Grabber grabber?
From: pws <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 15 Dec 2011 17:24:52 +0100
In-reply-to: <[email protected]>
References: <[email protected]>, <[email protected]> <[email protected]> <[email protected]>
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Hi Mike,

I'm not using any Win-Stuff but running many instances of wget on unix. What follows works on MS-Server 2003 (checked this at work):

Download and install that:

- Next make a directory where to store the images.

- Open your favorite editor, copy and paste the following lines into

REM Recipe!
REM simple example how to get any stuff from websites using wget
REM this script downloads and stores two images from TF3HZ server.

- You have to modify the wget-path "C:\Programme\GnuWin32\..." since this is from a German version of M$-Win.

- Store it into that image directory as "grab_grabbers.cmd" for example.

- Go to the web site of the monitor ("grabber") you want to download from, open the html source and locate the image(s). Copy and paste the FULL paths into the batch script like shown in the example above. Add as many lines as you need.

- Start this batch-script and look for any errors. If all is working fine modify the last line to "REM pause" or delete it.

- Now create a task plan in Windows to start it automagically. wget will not overwrite the old files by default. Instead it will add something like "1", "2", etc. to the file names. This can be switched to "overwrite" by an option, or if you want to give special file names add
" > your_filename_here"
at the end of each line.

This is a stupid simple way of using wget safely. It can do much more, but be careful adding any options unless you really know what are you doing. Using wrong options wget could disgruntle server administrators or in worst case try to download the whole internet.


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