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Re: LF: Grabber grabber?

To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: LF: Grabber grabber?
From: "Mike Dennison" <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 16 Dec 2011 09:21:35 -0000
In-reply-to: <[email protected]>
References: <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>
Reply-to: [email protected]
Sender: [email protected]
Thanks for that, Peter. It's good to hear that you are still around.

I will have a go at implementing this over the Christmas period.

73 de Mike

> I'm not using any Win-Stuff but running many instances of wget on
> unix. What follows works on MS-Server 2003 (checked this at work):
> Download and install that:
> - Next make a directory where to store the images.
> - Open your favorite editor, copy and paste the following lines into
> REM Recipe!
> REM simple example how to get any stuff from websites using wget
> REM this script downloads and stores two images from TF3HZ server.
> C:\Programme\GnuWin32\bin\wget
> C:\Programme\GnuWin32\bin\wget
> pause
> - You have to modify the wget-path "C:\Programme\GnuWin32\..." since
> this is from a German version of M$-Win.
> - Store it into that image directory as "grab_grabbers.cmd" for
> example.
> - Go to the web site of the monitor ("grabber") you want to download
> from, open the html source and locate the image(s). Copy and paste the
> FULL paths into the batch script like shown in the example above. Add
> as many lines as you need.
> - Start this batch-script and look for any errors. If all is working
> fine modify the last line to "REM pause" or delete it.
> - Now create a task plan in Windows to start it automagically. wget
> will not overwrite the old files by default. Instead it will add
> something like "1", "2", etc. to the file names. This can be switched
> to "overwrite" by an option, or if you want to give special file names
> add " > your_filename_here" at the end of each line.
> This is a stupid simple way of using wget safely. It can do much more,
> but be careful adding any options unless you really know what are you
> doing. Using wrong options wget could disgruntle server administrators
> or in worst case try to download the whole internet. RTFM!
> Peter

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