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Re: LF: noise on VK and earth dipole tests

To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: LF: noise on VK and earth dipole tests
From: Dimitrios Tsifakis <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 15 Oct 2011 18:34:33 +1100
Dkim-signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=gamma; h=mime-version:in-reply-to:references:date:message-id:subject:from:to :content-type; bh=55Z4j3zrNSkKMQW/1sHgUtPvs4wH4tTRDn7pXXp0ePs=; b=kb2YnK2nYLvbC4E92muruZMhJaGKqHn39MtuN5rxUIZs8m/0usovIpeJiKOLFBjqfc cSMZloW8BBQx+YaTOwpeE7n5nK9oE9EGQ1L83SXrAUygp3ME3Q5rMsHJO+UGUKdD5ZYU g5fa8DSKUDcRpEefOg7dxXKXpU0uIrszkgI7k=
In-reply-to: <[email protected]>
References: <> <[email protected]> <> <[email protected]>
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Sender: [email protected]
Hi Stefan,

I followed up your suggestion of elevating the wire off the ground and
it seems that there is some benefit in doing that:

However, it's not convenient as I can no longer drive over it :-)
Overall, I am happy with what I see. The signal was received very
clearly at a distance of 140 km, which is nice for a 25W/QRSS3 setup
that can be further improved.

Anyway, I will continue my tests with comparing the earth dipoles to a
"typical" amateur inverted-L  LF antenna comparison (9 m up, 20 m

73, Dimitris VK1SV

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