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Re: LF: Re: Re: Ferrite wideband antennas?

To: <>
Subject: Re: LF: Re: Re: Ferrite wideband antennas?
From: "Chris Trask" <>
Date: Sun, 21 Aug 2011 17:49:18 -0700
Domainkey-signature: a=rsa-sha1; q=dns; c=nofws; s=dk20050327;; b=W9r7wjIH5vsCAfetGfSWanscBN3adgT7U5lVXl2iy5UbbJgQuW3v246HfM2YTxHf; h=Received:Message-ID:Reply-To:From:To:References:Subject:Date:MIME-Version:Content-Type:X-Priority:X-MSMail-Priority:X-Mailer:X-MimeOLE:X-ELNK-Trace:X-Originating-IP;
Domainkey-status: good (testing)
References: <> <> <> <9CD1E11E8BC9402CB4AECECAC4088443@JimPC> <00f801cc6004$c2282bd0$1502a8c0@Clemens04> <> <004801cc6055$87313f20$4001a8c0@lark> <1313971196.2595.7.camel@pat-compaq-evo>
> >
> > > This article may be of interest
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> > It might also be unsupported hype !! to judge from the tone of the text !!
> I've managed to find time to read it (or rather, scan it). My first
> reaction (I might be mistaken) is that he claims familiarity with the
> works of Hertz and Tesla but seems not to be terribly aware of a guy
> named Maxwell who who only managed to unify some laws of electromagnetic
> radiation theory.
    The poor fellow appeared on the UltraLightDX list for a short while to promote his FSL antenna.  It was quickly revealed that he had actually copied many instances of prior art, including the detail of spacing the wire from the ferrite, and even when this was pointed out he continued to insist that his was original, and at one point stated more or less that he was entitled to make that claim because Polydoroff himself had not presented it to the list. 
> Should we, at this point retire to a quiet hostelry and discuss Black
> Holes and singularities over a cold beer or three?
    Perhaps we can nominate him to the next "Spot the Looney" contest.

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