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Re: LF: Acti 137 kHz

To: <>
Subject: Re: LF: Acti 137 kHz
From: "Albert" <>
Date: Thu, 28 Apr 2011 20:28:04 +0200
In-reply-to: <001301cc057d$4a02a540$0401a8c0@xphd97xgq27nyf>
References: <5084A620A0804D1CABDAF2587B82CE4C@White> <20D2647CF38F4C73A219F0D0F9B7A41E@PCvanAlbert> <> <7BB6C050E347406C9C18641F96C4286A@PCvanAlbert> <001301cc057d$4a02a540$0401a8c0@xphd97xgq27nyf>
Hello Mal (and others),
Back from the hf-bands ? I use WSPR to see if there is any chance (SNR over - 13 dB) for a normal CW QSO. But with most of the stations QRV on 136 kHz nowadays this is not the case. If both stations have their timing right WSPR will decode correctly untill - 30 dB SNR in 2.5 kHz BW. QRSS; I agree with you that you can see QRSS with the naked eye (using a computer with the appropriate software), but when using QRSS 60 or worse you can better do that the next morning after a good night's rest. I still want to make a plea for WSPR on these low frequencies to check the propagation over a longer time. The RX reports are "real" SNR giving 1dB resolution and not generated by the operator reading an incorrect S-meter, all reports, including TX-power, timestamp and distance are collected in the WSPRnet database so even after years you can check if the propagation was really much better in 2009. Or even better study the effects of the propagation over the day in different parts of the year. Besides WSPR, I use CW and QRSS 3 and 10. My idea was to create activity days where we concentrate to one of the used modes on a specific day. Now all our efforts to created activity are scattered across the different modes. With the result that you are complaining and QSY to higher frequencies.
73, Albert PA0A               
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2011 10:21 AM
Subject: Re: LF: Acti 137 kHz

Yes if we all use CW,  it is more effective and some expertise is required. WSPR is an Appliance Operator mode that does not always decode whereas CW or QRS can easily be read  directly by EAR or seen by the EYE.
----- Original Message -----
From: Albert
Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2011 11:21 PM
Subject: Re: LF: Acti 137 kHz

Thanks Stefan,
Are you not active in WSPR ? It would be more effective if we all use the same modes. (at least on specific days) I like WSPR because you can clearly and easily see the change of signal strenght over a longer time at a number of stations. Also QSO's are possible using WSJT7 in the WSPR mode. Using CMSK is an other possibility to QSO at low signal levels.
73, Albert
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