Hello Alexander, Wolf, Johan, Andy,
Thanks for your reply, opinion and advice! I will do my choice and i
tend to use the PICs since i have worked whith them before 9 year (just
for a few months)...
Tnx, 73, Stefan/DK7FC
Am 20.01.2011 19:39, schrieb Alexander S. Yurkov:
Hi Stefan, Wolf
On Wed, 19 Jan 2011, wolf_dl4yhf wrote:
- ATmegas, even the tiniest ones, have a much nicer instruction set
(compared with 14-bit PIC core) and are thus more suited for compiled
languages like "C".
BTW using FpGA from Xilinx or Altera anybody can easy build CPU with any
instruction set you like. Whith all perepheral devices (and RAM) in the
same crystall. It's my favorit 'toy' now :-)
What about Atmel and Microchip it seems to me better chip is chip you
familar :-) Another essential difference is absent.