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Re: LF: Re: WOLF - ready to RX

To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: LF: Re: WOLF - ready to RX
From: John Andrews <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 10 Sep 2009 17:45:54 -0400
In-reply-to: <[email protected]>
References: <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]> <[email protected]>
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On a quick look, I see some substantial frequency drift, probably due to the receiver, and also the possibility that your actual sound card sampling rate is quite different from the default 8000 Hz. Both of these things will keep the copy from building up, as the framing keeps changing.

Are you used to seeing frequency drift on QRSS signals? Do you suspect that the receiver isn't stable?

John, W1TAG

Well, easy for some (I can see) but NOT for me. What am I doing wrong?

t:  24 f: 0.367 a:-0.5 dp: 85.8 ci: 1 cj:  0 1STCG6J2X7EUEWZ ?
t:  48 f: 0.366 a:-0.4 dp: 85.7 ci: 2 cj:  0 VP*JV9IX47R60ZC ?

You are not alone Roger....

2009-09-10 20:05:04 >WOLF10  -r 8000 -f 700 -t 10 -d 8 -w 0.0000
t:  24 f:-3.282 a: 0.2 dp:131.5 ci: 1 cj:202 Y 6NQSDZ42XVQHU ?
t:  48 f:-3.282 a: 0.2 dp:128.8 ci: 7 cj:252 XHW/EU864G09IUO ?
t:  96 f:-3.429 a: 0.1 dp:126.6 ci: 6 cj:472 SCE6XF5ZOGYP0IY -
t: 192 f:-3.477 pm: 8690 jm:456 q: -6.9 -8.0 HIQ*QAUZFJGT8XB ?
t: 288 f:-3.770 pm:11554 jm:455 q: -8.3 -7.8 K2WH67SKZF20??? ?
t: 384 f:-3.477 pm:11696 jm:455 q: -4.8 -4.9 M0BMU IO91VR 2W -
t: 480 f:-3.477 pm:13507 jm:455 q: -4.8 -5.7 M0BMU IO91VR 2W -
t: 576 f:-2.891 pm:20843 jm:453 q: -3.7 -8.0 0XB7VQ6W169B0J9 ?
t: 672 f:-2.891 pm:20855 jm:453 q: -3.5 -7.9 0XB7VQ6W169B0J9 ?
t: 768 f:-2.891 pm:20862 jm:453 q: -3.4-10.2 DGC1ALF5ZELF5HS ?

At least there are a couple of valid decodes there, but my quality fields are way way below those of John's.

Like WSPR another of these toys which I will probably never look at again...

73 Dave G3YMC


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