Hi Bob , my best wishes for your tests. Conditions do seem to be improving
at the moment and if there are no more disturbances you should have hit a
good spot.
Cheers de Alan G3NYK
----- Original Message -----
From: "Vernall" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: 22 September 2005 23:05
Subject: LF: ZM2E LF DX attempts 4 - 6 October
To all reflector readers,
Plans are for ZM2E at Quartz Hill to try for two way contacts with VA7LF
RU6LA from Tuesday 4 October. This time we are making a "mid week"
of the club station so we avoid times of HF contests (the Oceania contest
the weekend before, ZL6QH will be active for that contest). We are
preparing to operate on Wednesday and Thursday nights if that is needed to
advance or complete a QSO.
ZM2E plans to once again use FSK with nominal frequencies
kHz. Likely VA7LF and RU6LA will use similar or same frequency so that
others can monitor possible proceedings without needing to retune.
A more detailed announcement will be made nearer to the time.
73, Bob ZL2CA