Yes it was good fun.
Thanks are due also to Chris G3XIZ who was plugging away all afternoon too
(whilst I was decorating the bathroom... With paint!) he eventually worked
G3YKB? Who I couldn't see any trace of, so there's another to look out for,
unless it was a crossband?
See you all, and maybe a few more? Next week.
Dave G3YXM.
From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of [email protected]
Sent: 21 November 2004 16:28
To: [email protected]
Subject: LF: Sunday activity report
Greetings all,
Looks like Dave's request for a bit more CW activity has helped, at
least this sunday (Nov. 21st):
Heard (and mostly worked) G3YXM, M0BMU, G3XDV, G3AQC, SM6BHZ, F6BWO,
DM2BHG, DK6NI, DJ5DI, and DL4OAN. Strong local QRM since noon made listening
a bit difficult, but the stations heard in the morning were excellent copy
(sorry to have missed G3XDV during G3YXM's short coffee break - hope to
catch you some other time Mike ).
There was one other caller whom in the late afternoon I couldn't
read due to local noise - the 144 MHz EME signals these days were easier to
copy than some LF signals (greetings to RN6BN ! ).
So thanks all for the activity, see you later,
Wolf DL4YHF / DF0WD .