Worked Dave YXM after Laurie and Jim on Saturday. However I was unable to
copy Dave on CW mainly due to the ECM smog. Used mixed mode CW/QRSS3
The electrical QRM situation has has become very much worse than on the
early days of 73kHz. The estate where I live was once very much a retirement
area but now we have many more neighbours with children. The rise in QRM on
Saturday morning is very noticable due to TVs and electrical games.
It will be interesting to see what it is like on Monday morning.
Derek called in to see me on Saturday morning to pick up a 220m of antenna
wire. The plan was that he was to phone me and I would put out progress on
the Lands End expedition on the reflector.
Nothing heard as yet.
I will be on in the morning at around 0800 local on 71.85kHz.
Peter, G3LDO
e-mail <[email protected]>
Web <>
