I am attempting a X band contact on 73kHz, and would like to discuss a
minimal X band QSO format,remembering that openings are short.
As I understand it the requirments are for an exchange of full callsigns,
and reports.If this so I would like to :-
1) drop CQ, not required since QSO has been agreed.
2) drop RST, T is always 9 ! and S depends on the recieve set- up,so what
matters is R readability.
I therfore propose the following format for an imaginary QSO between G3AQC,
1) G3AQC K
2) G3AQC de W4DEX O O O K
3) DEX R5 K
4) G3AQC de W4DEX R5 73 VA EE
5) EE
In the event that the QRSS/DFCW station misses a report he will request a
repeat by sending R IMI.
How does this sound ?
73 Laurie.