G'day John,
On the other hand, what I saw of Steve Olney's Wajina (sp?) mode last
was impressive, though I didn't have the information to decode it at the
time. Hopefully, he'll be able to do more with it when the U.S. Lowfer
turn into Hifers next summer.
Looks like I might have some time to do some coding over the next week. I
am on holidays and we had booked 5 days at a resort up the coast, but at the
moment we are surrounded on both sides by bushfires. At this time they
are being driven either side of us by the winds, but we don't want to risk
leaving our property unless the wind changes and blows them our way. We
are lucky as we are relatively safe compared to others who are in the direct
path of the fires. Over a hundred homes lost already. Expecting high
winds again on this weekend along with temperatures reaching 40C forecast.
That will not be good. Smoke is making our noses bleed and eyes sore so we
have to limit our time outdoors (just checking the roof and surrounding land
for burning cinders). Fingers crossed.
73s Steve VK2ZTO