Hello I am planning to add Jason TX capability to the G0MRF DDS VFO. The new program will not fit in the PIC16F84. There is a slight chance that it can be squeezed in if the DFCW option is removed. I
[.....] an audio frequency. This is not of course the case, as the DDS is used to generate the carrier at 136kHz. The frequency values reported in that table are to be added to the nominal value of t
Hello All You can drive the Tx either using a DDS board connected via the parallel port or the serial port, or up converting an audio signal generated by Jason. I believe that some of you are using t
Hi-ho I am convinced that "Gentlemen's agreement" will work much better than a band plan (provided that all involved are gentlemen...) New modes evolves almost every day. Let them prosper! The 2100Hz
Hi Tonight I found a strong signal around 135.0 kHz which I have never noticed before. It has a strange "random flutter" sound as if it was "soft PSK". There is a lot of Luxembourg effect on the sign
I don't seem to be able to send it to [email protected], Johan, so perhaps you can get it from Dave's site later, or is there something else I can do? No problem. The bounce message you got mus
Hi All G3KEV wrote: 2. A loading coil of the same inductance wound with 4mm litz wire behaves differently. Because of the much higher Q the slightest breeze or some rain and it needs retuning to reso
Hi All Oh.. I wish I had such a tower! One idea is to make a top hat of wires fanning out radially from the top of the tower, sloping as little as possible. Feed the antenna between the top hat and t
Reff / Rrf = 1 + (q - 1) * SQR (( p - 1 ) / p ) This info is interesting! Question: Is SQR "squared" or "square root" ? In some programming languages SQR (X) = X^0.5, in others SQR (X) = X^2 while S
Hi I have a Shera style GPS box and I agree with Jay. My RX is GPS locked and I would love to be able to lock Argo etc. to GPS too. An alternative is to use an external A/D converter clocked by the f
Hi Building a Shera style GPS standard is not complicated at all. There are only two critical components - the GPS receiver and the (preferably OC-)VCXO. The rest of the circuit is built from inexpen
The only true requirement is to obey to the time/frequency duality, which imposes a baud duration at least equal to the inverse of the FFT bin, 0.084114.... Hz. Is this true for Stewarts decoder too
Hi Wolf, Grumble... I was just going to get QRV on 80 meters again, but horrible wheater made listening impossible (lotsa static crashes). 80m seems to be a bad choice for "milliwatting" in the summe
Hi All I have a new beacon running on the 80 meter band: -- Center frequency: 3594 kHz (+/- a few Hz just for the challenge :-) Mode: Jason (decoder at www.weaksignals.com (thanks Alberto!)); Power:
Hmm..... What is he using for a power source? Mal wrote DB's not dB's. DB's is probably an abbreviation of "Digital Bananas", the small black S-meter bars that can be found on modern plastic radios