Hello all, just a short mesage about my 136kHz activety. Antenna is up and working, but problems with new TX protection circuit, some flash overs in output circuit and also destroyed my LF SWR meter.
Well, back home again after some 136kHz tests this weekend. Several unexpected problems showed up, so there's still work to do on the station. I wasn't able to put my new transmitter with 4xIRFP450 o
Thanks sofar all who replied. Some very usefull comments/suggestions received. It seems that there was high voltage present / reflected back to the TX because both the diodes in the LF-SWR meter as w
Hello all, pictures + explanation of my latest 136kHz equipement and portable tests in june are available on www.pa6z.nl Look there for 136kHz project to see the pictures. 73 Dick, PA4VHF
Well, thanks Ko, Sabine and Jeff for catching me on their screens. What about the frequenty, is it a bit too high? (to far away from center of activety?) Glad to see the first report from France, Jef
Hallo Wolf, Habe mittlerweile V2.7b4 installiert, und habe da zwa eine directory palette, aber ohne inhalt... Da werde es gut mir mal eine configurations file zu schicken fur die "sunrise" palette Mu
Hello all, I'm running spectrum laboratory V2.1 b2 , but I can not get these nice pictures I see from many others. Dispite some tips from Wolf, dl4yhf, I couldn't change the color palette to sunrise-
Thanks for this info Dave. Of course I have these x-tals; they also been used regulary for 80m fox hunting TX's. Biggest problem however, is to divide by 13........ I do not have to much schematics a
Well it seems very likely that my antennacurrent meter is not working as it should be. The ringcore is likely much too close to the main loading coil. It's less than 10cm (4 inch) away from the coil.
Well, thanks Alan and Brian for the comments sofar..... It will be not my intention to use it as a TX antenna to make QSO's....... I just need "something" to connect to my loading coil/variometer to
Thanks Victor and Hartmut for listening, and Hartmut thanks for the screenshots. It's the first time ever I see my callsign on a screenshot! Equipement was about 300Watt DC input, I don't know exact