Well, back home again after some 136kHz tests this weekend.
Several unexpected problems showed up, so there's still work to do on the
I wasn't able to put my new transmitter with 4xIRFP450 on the air.
It did work prefectly on a 50Ohm dummy load, but with the antenna connected
I just couldn't get it
into the air.
The SWR protection continiously came in, even when reducing the drainvoltage
to 40 Volts.
I tried to re-adjust the SWR protection circuit, but that didn't help
I once get some power out for a fraction of a second, just enough to see a
flash over some-where
in the ouput filter.
I had to run the good old 2xIRFP260 transmitter (G0MRF) and that one did
work excellent.
No problem at all to run 60V/9A input, producing over 1 Amp antenna current.
However, after long and desperate CQ-calls the first transformer (a large
50mm ring core) that matches
the 50 Ohm coax upto around 150-200 Ohm got really hot............
That means ....... losses.......
I also lost my LF SWR bridge.......due to loss of the diodes, I think.
Despite this I managed to make 1 QSO by incidence.
It was yesterday afternoon, when after some tests I was talking with some
people standing around the station.
Suddenly I heard someone tuning up on my receiver, which was still with its
speaker on in the background.
I immidiatly ran to the receiver, searching for the one tuning.
It was Mal, G3KEV CQ-ing!
I had to call hime once, and the was was made!
In front of several fellow hams, and a TV-camera from someone making a video
about HAM radio.
So, dispite all at least an QSO completed.
Now, I have to figure out what went wrong, and how to solve this.
Somehow the number of turns in the output circuit of the TX is not
I think I wasn't able to reduce the power produced by the 4 FET unit, enough
to get
it out of the protection area.
This weekend raised also the question, if I should go on with the
preparations for
the LX/PA6Z expedition, because of the fact that I didn't hear anybody else
except Mal...............
and some QRSS station on 136.3......
Well thanks all for listening, and calling (if there was somebody calling,
Maybe WX was too nice to operate.....
I will keep you all informed about further activeties.
Dick, PA4VHF/p from JO32EE