Alan, The problem with pages like is that I don't know how old they are. And more confusing that GBR is listed as "actrive" MWLIST seems to be more accurate, it
Hi Stefan, Ok, I started it last night, will be only for one day, as I need my Rx for other things as well. No I don't mean the notch function. It's the fft-plug-in that you can create. There you can
Mal, No, that's not quite correct It is deducted when you belong (sort of being a member) to a church, no matter if you attend a servive or not. But you can "unsubscribe" from it and pay nothing, I d
Hi, just joined this group. After getting my 300m beverage work down to VLF (transfomer & PC-PSU issues) I'm looking on the 10-30 kHz range and compared it against MWLIST. However I now see - a weak
Here the following 6h spans of today Should be interesting to some of you despite the discovered aliases The 9-10h section suffered a loose antenna connection
Around 1050ut saw 16 kHz again also visible on Further 18,1 and 18,2 with several n*100Hz sidebands
Thanks Jim, I will use them to compare. But it seems the Nürnberg one gets signals weaker than mine. I am 3km off the northsea coast and thus have better levels, at least for MW and most likely for
Yes Warren it is on again now in full glory I have to see when it went back. Jurgen Bartels Suellwarden, N. Germany hor. Antennas: 11-ele 45-87MHz 13-ele Band-III, 48-ele UHF, FM: 15.11 TV: Winradio
Hi Peter, So I started monitoring just at right time. :-) Thanks ! They are still off now, probably had something in their tea ? :-) Just a carrier 16,0 Khz that was turned on/off. Not 16,2 ! Just pl
Hello Stefan, I use Perseus as the rx, not a soundcard :-) So that rules out those problems. How about 2 min samples 30 min apart for 24 hours? I'm recording every 30 minutes for 2 minutes 0-100kHz T
Last night I started SpecLab to plot 10-72 kHz Here is the result until 0800 local ( = 0700 ut) The same but zooomed
Hi Peter, Thank you very much for pointing that out ! I didn't realize it myself, was too busy with other things Something must be wrong with SpecLab when it uses Perseus h/w directly. I already repo
I envy you Brits living in the land of liberty !! We have to pay when - there's a TV or radio in the house, no matter if it's connected or not - there's a PC connected to internet - have to pay a 2n
Hi Alan, MWList ( ) contains all tx from 10kHz to 30MHz and is constantly updated by several country editors around the world. All are hobbyist and it's a non-commercial hobby p
Thanks Jay, I will use that also. Jurgen Bartels Suellwarden, N. Germany hor. Antennas: 11-ele 45-87MHz 13-ele Band-III, 48-ele UHF, FM: 15.11 TV: Winradio G305 / Fly2000 + video noise filter & vari
Thank you Daniele ! According to the above list that should be from UK, but its level is too low, unles they use low power Not listed there either :-) Jurgen Bartels Suellwarden, N. Germany hor. Ant
Stefan, My main interest is MW-DX, VLF is just a side interest. The beverages will be taken down when the cattle get out and the land is used by farmers around March. Around April/May my interest cha
Getting a strong signal on 40,4 kHz almost same strenght on my 220° and 320° ant. any ideas? Also seeing now 50.0 RUS RTZ, Irkutsk (IR) 68.5 CHN BPC, Shangqiu (he) Jurgen Bartels Suellwarden, N. Germ
Thanks Rik & Chris That's interesting, because all got started when I noticed increasing noise towards lower frequencies. The noise on the feedline is usually attenuated by the common mode choke at t