Last night I started SpecLab to plot 10-72 kHz
Here is the result until 0800 local ( = 0700 ut)
The same but zooomed
The 20kHz line seems to be a product of SpecLab using Perseus
Perseus alone doesn't show the 20kHz and neither does Winradio
Jurgen Bartels Suellwarden, N. Germany
hor. Antennas: 11-ele 45-87MHz 13-ele Band-III, 48-ele UHF, FM: 15.11
TV: Winradio G305 / Fly2000 + video noise filter & variable IF BW
FM: Downconverter + Perseus + Speclab as WFM demod.
MW: staggered 300m Beverage 320°, 30 x 4m EWE 320°, Winradio & Perseus - Vacation home: DX right at the Northsea coast