From Johan Bodin I had the pleasure to work G3YXM crossband on 73 kHz / 80 m this morning. QRB 1122 km. Congratulations to Johan and Dave I tried a 73/137 sked with Johan this morning (Friday) but wa
Had a two-way LF QSO with IK5ZPV, starting at 2030UTC this evening (14/2/00), my transmitter on 71.812kHz and Valerio on 137.70kHz. Reports 'O' both ways. QSB most noticable with the signals on both
Further to the report of the LF cross-band QSO with IK5ZPV posted on the reflector yesterday I received a .jpg from Cesare Tagliabue I 5 TGC. It shows my 72kHz signal, giving an 'O' report to IK5ZPV.
Dear all. Dave said I have just spent a frustrating day trying to work Valerio IK5ZPV crossband 73/136. We had taken it for granted that the difficult bit would be hearing the 73k signal at Valerio's
I will be again QRV this evening starting from 20.30 and listening at 71.8 kHz. At 21.00, if i do not receive any signal from Dave, i will call for x-band on 137.7 kHz, 3 sec. dot length, 1/3 ratio
As regards frequency, as there are so few of us transmitting, we could each have our own frequency! I find it almost impossible to tell if anyone else is transmitting due to the QRM from Rugby. Perh
I needed to change the resonance of my 73kHz antenna tuning arrangement to be resonant on 136kHz for cross band contacts. The tuning arrangement here is a sort of three-stage booster, comprising a co
from Walter Blanchard The UK Decca Navigator transmitters shut down for public use this weekend. Most sites have already been sold for other purposes but a few will remain in working order for a few
From Steve Thanks to the many who replied directly to me re my comments. I am encouraged that there is a 'silent majority' out there who share the same sentiments. You would be suprised on just how m
I am compiling a follow-on book to 'The LF Experimenter's Source Book'. Since the last edition was published in 1998 a lot of experimental and constructional work has been done, which is, in the main
A 'severe solar wind shock' impacted Earth at 1632UTC yesterday. This resulted in a big aurora, The A Index is 56. This is higher than early February when VA3LK was getting good signals from DCF. It
Cesare, I5TGC, and I managed a 72.3kHz/ 137.72kHz cross-band QSO tonight starting at 1800UTC, 'M' both ways. Conditions have been better in the past but at least tonight they occured on 72 and 137kHz
the same length in total. So why was the one made of plain wire better ? Self capacitance ? Gamal> No. Unless the "capacity" exhibits significant dielectric losses, great self capacitance does not h
From Dave G3YMC I wish Larry and the VE team all the best for their forthcoming transatlantic tests - the choice of a period in November is excellent, and if there is a chance then (and December) is
Hello Geri I made some laboratory tests this morning to get some indication about the ability to communicate with signals below noise level using Slow-CW. A most interesting set of measurements. Most
From all accounts, the operation from Puckeridge has been an outstanding success. A great deal of measurement data has been collected and a considerable amount of interest in the LF bands has been ge
There has been a strong carrier on 137.7446 kHz for at least a week. No modulation and strength doesn't seem to vary. Can anyone else hear this ? Yes, I can. It is so consistant (ever since we were
Had a telephone call from Mike, GW3XDV, to say that, due to bad weather today, he would not be on until Thursday, around 1600hrs -- Regards, Peter, G3LDO
Alan Melia ....... If I can copy 10mW QRSS (40 sec dots) from Marco over the Alps and over France at 900kms.......... Alan seems to be having some success with receiving Marco. Up to now I have seen