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RE: LF: EbNaut transmission test in LF

To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: LF: EbNaut transmission test in LF
From: VIGILANT Luis Fernández <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 7 Sep 2018 11:36:49 +0000
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Thread-topic: LF: EbNaut transmission test in LF

Hi Domenico


Sorry, I’m not transmitting this weekend. Very stormy weather here, so the wires are down

I will notice in the reflector any transmission in advance. But first want to confirm that all is working ok

So that was the goal of yesterday test


Yes, the XOR is AFTER the 1/10 divider, and working at the final frequency 137485 Hz


Your auto-decoder is a great tool. EbNaut is quite tricky for average use and needs a lot of details to care about

Of course the reward is great when you get decodes with miserable signal levels. There is never free lunch ! ;-)


73 de Luis



De: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] En nombre de Domenico IZ7SLZ
Enviado el: viernes, 07 de septiembre de 2018 13:18
Para: [email protected]
Asunto: Re: LF: EbNaut transmission test in LF


Hello Luis,


thanks for sharing your experiment. My auto-decoder  is already retuned for your transmissions.


BTW QRM is large here in the morning time (urban location). I will try to catch your signal later in the night.


At least the decoder is detecting the carrier but may be there is no proper phase modulation or probably other failures

What I’m doing wrong ? Can anybody decode the message from the file ?


 I also suspect some issues on modulator circuit. Of course the XOR gate is following the /10 divider, is it?


Good luck.


73 all,





On Fri, 7 Sep 2018 at 11:38, VIGILANT Luis Fernández <[email protected]> wrote:

Hi LF EbNauters


I have been building a disciplined Rx for LF, based in a GPS LO at 120KHz and a NE602 downconverter to 17KHz

Then feeding the signal to the soundcard, also disciplined with 1pps from the same GPS


At Tx side a GPS LO at 1374850 Hz divided by 10 provides 0.1Hz steps at LF. Then an XOR gate is used for

EbNaut modulation from the DTR of  a COM port under Windows. The PA is just a mosfet driver (mic4452 AT 12v)

Just about 100mW to antenna but good enough to get a 20dB S/N in my Rx 7Km away


Stability looks pretty good and also phase modulation as seen in SL spectrogram. Also monitoring phase changes

with the SL plot display window. So, yesterday I tried an EbNaut transmission with the following setup


Coding: 8K19A

CRC 16

Symbol period: 1s

Characters: 6          Transmission time: 9.3 minutes

Transmitting at minute 00 and 30 every hour


I got the FFT files from SL and converted them to WAV files. The configuration file (SR) included the corrected sample rate

of the soundcard as well as decimation , FFT length and center frequency


Attached is a WAV file starting at 16:22 which should contain the transmission started at 16:30 untill about 16:40


The rawsym graphic shows a clear peak centered in frequency, but I haven’t been able to get a decode other than “******”

At least the decoder is detecting the carrier but may be there is no proper phase modulation or probably other failures

What I’m doing wrong ? Can anybody decode the message from the file ?

BTW, I have used a list length of 47274 and also 141823, but nill L


73 de Luis


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