Very good, Markus!
Only 21z transmission (RX off) and 04z (NIL) was missed.
All the best,
Riccardo IW4DXW Lunedì, 10 Ottobre 2016, 10:53PM +02:00 da Markus Vester <
[email protected]> :
>Thanks again to Domenico, Riccardo and Stefan for reporting their decodes!
>I'll do more of the same tonight (but with a different message):
>137490.000 Hz
>5 characters, 8K19A
>1 second symbols
>Starttimes 21:00, 22:00 ... 6:00 UT (with no extra delay)
>Currently running around 0.5 W ERP.
>Best 73,
>Markus (DF6NM)
>-----Ursprüngliche Mitteilung-----
>Von: Markus Vester < [email protected] >
>An: rsgb_lf_group < [email protected] >
>Verschickt: Mo, 10 Okt 2016 12:01 am
>Betreff: Re: LF: More EbNaut tests on 137490 Hz
>Things seem to be stable now. I will let it run through the night with repeats
>starting on each full hour. All reports would be much appreciated!
>All the best,
>Markus (DF6NM)
>-----Ursprüngliche Mitteilung-----
>Von: Markus Vester < [email protected] >
>An: rsgb_lf_group < [email protected] >
>Verschickt: So, 9 Okt 2016 9:46 pm
>Betreff: LF: More EbNaut tests on 137490 Hz
>I intend to run a few more EbNaut tests tonight. This time I will use a 137490
>Hz carrier from my Rubidium-controlled decadic synthesizer and a diode PSK
>137490.000 Hz
>5 characters, 8K19
>1 second symbols
>Starttimes 20:00, 20:30, 21:00 UT (with no extra delay)
>Duration 512 seconds
>Best 73,
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