Hi Stefan yes it's interesting because there has be steady low level
geomagnetic storms since the 3rd at Kp=5. I am wondering if what we are
seeing is more a feature of a predominantly N<>S path rather than the more
usual long, predominantly E<>W paths to Joe and Alex. I suppose crossing the
Equator there is much less effect from precipitated electrons which happens
mainly at, or near, the poles.
An interesting way of analysing the 9000km path would be to cut it into 4
hops and see where the ground interaction takes place. (it is roughly 2000
to 2500km per hop) I do wonder if the desert (quartz) might have a similar
effect to sea. (the desert sand was given as one reason why the "Poynting
vector" aerials seemed to give good results in Egypt)
The signal doesnt really "bounce" if you draw the profile accurately it
approached the ground at near zero degrees. I have a feeling that the long
distance signal may be more affected by the ground "roughness"
(scattering??) at mid-path than the resistivity/permiability. In fact most
of the signal just skims the ground. There is no doubt the sea effect is
certainly clear at the path ends. There was some suggestion of preferential
N<>S paths between ZL and Asia, but strangely it was never as good to
W.Coast/Alaska or Honalulu.
What is surprising is that there are not similar paths to South America from
Europe. However the question is then " is anyone monitoring". Likewise to
RSA but I believe LF is not popular with amateurs in ZS.
It will be interesting to see what happens when the CME arrives overnight on
the 7th. It may not affect the path to La Reunion until the night of 7/8.
I noticed a set of regular 4min interval decodes then a 16 min blank which I
presume must have been a fade. Also your best reception was soon after the
fade I think??
Fascinating stuff this LF/MF propagation :-))
----- Original Message -----
From: "DK7FC" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Thursday, November 05, 2015 11:54 PM
Subject: Re: LF: Re: FR5ZX WSPR again
Attached is a picture showing the path for EA5DOM. So far i thought that
the red sea is supporting the path for stations from DL, PA, SV and I,
allowing one or 2 hops on sea water. But now Luis' path is directly over
Hmmmm, Alan? Any thoughts? :-)
73, Stefan
Am 05.11.2015 23:59, schrieb VIGILANT Luis Fernández:
Wops !!
2015-11-05 22:48 EA5DOM 0.475790 -20 0 IM98wn 0.05 FR5ZX LG78pu 8796
New coil ! Antenna is finally on resonance ..... and seems to work ! ;-)
73 de Luis